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Local Governors

The Local Governors are responsible for their delegated functions in accordance with the Scheme of Delegation and are accountable to the Board of Trustees. The Chair of the Local Governance Committee (LGC) is invited to a regular Chairs Forum, the information from this meeting feeds into the Board Meeting of the QET.

The role of the LGC is crucial in providing support and challenge at a local level, being the local voice, a link for the local community and church (where applicable) and are advocates for the Trust and all its schools. They support and challenge the school ethos and curriculum provision, pupil outcomes and achievement, enriching community cohesion and ensuring effective communication within each school, having first-hand experience and knowledge of the individual community context and needs. 

The range of delegated powers will depend on the educational outcomes and overall performance of the individual schools. See the Scheme of Delegation for details. See the LGC Terms of Reference for more detail of regarding the remit of this committee.The Chair of the LGC is invited to a regular Chairs Forum, from where information feeds into the Board meeting of the QET.

All Local Governance Committees (LGCs) have a minimum of nine and a maximum of 11 members. The 'Terms of Reference' provides more detail regarding the remit of this committee. The LGC of Church Schools continue to have 'Foundation Representation', approved by the diocese, this is in line with the previous VA or VC status of the school. This ensures the link between the local church, the diocese and the community are enabled to flourish and are maintained as set out in the articles of association and the Memorandum of Understanding with the diocese.

Stogursey Primary School

  • Teresa Miller (Co Chair)
  • Bernard Maskell (Co Chair)
  • Gary Tucker (Headteacher)
  • Caroline Hawkes (Vice Chair)
  • Anthony Chetland (Governor)
  • Louise Day (Staff elected)
  • Jackie Stone (Foundation)
  • Stephen Campbell (Foundation)
  • Chris Moorsom (Foundation)
  • Kara Frampton (Clerk)
  • Anna Hammond (stood down 31/08/22)


Haygrove School

  • Aaron Reid (Headteacher)
  • Jenny Ashworth (Interim Chair)
  • Tina Stoel-Walker (Vice Chair)
  • Lyndon Brett (MAT appointed)
  • Tracy Lee (Co-opted)
  • Jake Elson (Governor)
  • Leanne Mills (Assoc Governor)
  • Julie North (Staff Governor)
  • Amelia Davies (Parent elected)
  • Tracy Barnes (Clerk)
  • Jackie Stone (Stood down Nov 22)
  • Jon Hellyer (Stood down April 22)
  • Andy Mottershead (Stood down Jan 23)
  • Katey Davis (Stood down May 2023)



Spaxton Primary School

  • Andrew Watson (Chair)
  • Rachel Rood (Headteacher) 
  • Rev. Eleanor King (Governor)
  • Frank Cairns (Vice Chair)
  • Helen Roper (Clerk)
  • Claire Beaumont-Wraith (Governor)
  • Suzanne Traynor (Co Chair) (Stood down 15/11/23)
  • Abigail Webber (Stood down 26/9/22)
  • Becky Heath (stood down 29/11/22)
  • Rowan Brooks (stood down 23/03/23) 
  • Tom Cudbill (stood down 12/05/22)
  • Nicole Clerk (stood down 11/05/22)




Sexey's School

  • Jonathan Evans (Chair)
  • Adela Crichton (Foundation)
  • Helen Cullen (Headteacher)
  • Dan Palmer (Vice Chair & Safeguarding Governor) - re-elected 20/03/2023
  • Jo Simons (SEND Governor)
  • Vicky Christophers (Vice-chair, Foundation Governor)
  • Marcus Milne-Home (Governor)
  • Lucy Milton-Downes (Parent Governor) 
  • Sure Nurse (Staff Governor)
  • Matthew Pierson (Parent Governor) 
  • Helen Roper (Clerk)
  • Richard Cullum (Stood down 19/06/22)
  • Keri Montague (Stood down 31/08/22)
  • Anthony Hodges (Stood down 01/09/22)
  • Dan Palmer (Stood down 19/03/2023)
  • Nigel Humberston (Stood down 31/3/2023)
  • Malcolm Broad (Stood down 31/8/23)

St Bartholomew's Primary School

Cheryl Govier (Plus Chairs of LGCs Sharepoint access)
Stephen Gray  
Melissa Diment
Elizabeth Fox
Gemma Coward  
Tammy Court
Emma Harwood


 Merriott and Haselbury Primary Schools

Lois Bowery
Ollie Spurway (Plus Chairs of LGCs Sharepoint access)
Craig Pearce
Jill Tutcher
Stephen Bateman
Heather Copping
Katie Mattravers
Kate Edwards
Jeanett Farrant
Hil Daynes


Ashlands C of E Primary School

Nicola Ball
David Harvey (Chair)
Liz Clemow
Kelly Millet
Dominic Lawrence 
Mercedes Dare
Louise Stobbs


The second column.