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QET Professional Development Day 2022 - Getting better, together

Thank you so much to all of our colleagues who attended the first Quantock Education Trust Professional Development Day since the end of the pandemic and since we became a family of four schools. Having colleagues coming together from across the QET to share ideas and experiences, as well as develop our professional practice in a really supportive and collaborative environment gave us the perfect opportunity to bring to life QET’s core CARE values – Community, Aspiration, Respect and Equity. It was a joy to see these values exemplified throughout the day. 

We were delighted to welcome Kate Jones, who is an award-winning teaching and learning practitioner, speaker, consultant, blogger, TES writer and author, who grounds practical, relevant, usable pedagogy in the most rigorous evidence available. She has worked with some of the world's leading experts in this field. She led our teaching staff in four engaging sessions on effective retrieval practice and how it can be used to help all students achieve their best outcomes.  

The break-out sessions throughout the day gave colleagues the opportunity to meet staff from other schools and discuss their respective improvement priorities in a supportive and collaborative environment. The early feedback so far from the cross-phase coaching triads has been highly positive, and we look forward to developing this further to support staff with their professional development journeys.  

Chrysta Garnett, QET's CEO, said: "This was a significant day for the QET and a wonderful opportunity to come together to learn, develop our practice and build productive professional relationships with colleagues from across the Trust. We now have very strong foundations in place to continue to strengthen the ways we work together across the organisation, as part of our ongoing commitment to provide the best education possible for all QET's children."

A huge thank you to Haygrove School who hosted the event and the Aspen’s Catering Team for cooking a delicious roast dinner. We were so pleased to be joined by Rob Brown, QET’s Chair of Trustees, who made a closing speech and help draw the very important raffle.  

Have a look at some more photos here.